Avoid these Mistakes when designing business website
Klaas Moukangwe

Buyers will check your background before buying from you. Where do you think they will go first? YES Internet. Your website is your first impression, and getting it right makes all the difference

Having a website designed is one thing, but having a planned website with clear understanding of why you are designing, and who you are designing it for will help you build rewarding online home for your business. Let's discuss mistakes you must avoid when designing a website for your business

1. Not having website 

We live in a generation of smartphones and internet, with 31.18 million active internet users  in South Africa. Not having a website could mean you are missing out on potential customers. Buyers will want to search for your business before buying from you, especially if they have never met you. Your target audience buying confidence will increase when you have an active professional website.

2. Designing it yourself.

Well unless you are a web designer. Sure there are inexpensive DIY (do it yourself) websites like wix  and weebly  making it easier for you to do it yourself, But DIY services are limited and will not give your business a unique website for your business. Also, you want to effectively communicate your message towards target audience. Professional designers are trained to help you build a reputable brand to help you convert rather than just having a website. Find a partner you can trust for your web design service. ( Maybe we are )

3. Not designing for mobile.

85% of South Africans use mobile phone to browse the internet (We Are Social, 2018). What do you do when a website is not readable on your phone? Of course you leave. Potential customers will not wast their time on an inaccessible website. Meaning you will miss out reach 85% of South Africans, some of your  potential customers. When potential customers find your website inaccessible, chances of them coming back are harder than before, it is very important to design for mobile.

4. Outdated website

What happens when you leave your garden unattended for months? When potential customers realize this (and they will), they look for a service provider who does. Question is, "If this company doesn't care about its reputation, why would they care about me?". Having a portfolio or blog page on your website can help you secure that important customer.

5. Slow website

There are many contributing factors to a slow website like slow sever and not optimizing your images for different devices. Whatever your reason for having slow website is, customers do not care about this. The first 3 seconds are critical to in web development. Your website must load fast to avoid frustrating potential customers, if your website is slow, customers exit and probably never come back.

6. Unsafe website

As a business owner you want your customers to trust you with their information, customers will want to leave their contact information on your website for you to contact them back. If your website is not secure, their information is not. I cannot overemphasize the importance of a secure website. Google will also not rank your website if it found unsafe.

7. Making information difficult to find

Internet users search with intention. Let's say you are looking to buy a watch from takealot.com , when you open their website you find 5000 words essays talking about their history instead of displaying their products, you will leave right? (well probably not). Most of your potential customers are not on your website to read your story, they are there to get information, be it to compare pricing, checkout your portfolio or get in touch. Whatever they want, make it easier for them to find, if they do they will come back. Hopefully to buy next time. 

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